IRA Distributions

The Intricacies of IRA Distributions: A Case Study of James Caan’s Hedge Fund Mishap

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) provide tax advantages for savers. However, managing these accounts can be a complex endeavor, particularly when it involves intricate investment vehicles like hedge funds. This complexity is exemplified in the case of the renowned actor James Caan and his investment in a hedge fund, which highlights the potential pitfalls of inadvertent…

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Regulators Need to Do More to Curb Egregious Annuities Sales Practices

“The Department of Labor is under pressure to release its new Retirement Security Rule, which would impose fiduciary obligations on more financial professionals working with retirement clients. But from my vantage point as a fiduciary advisor, regulators’ focus on individual retirement accounts overlooks more egregious activity in non-IRAs happening right under their noses. Particularly absent from the discussion about…

status quo
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Challenging the Status Quo

We get puzzled looks from new clients when we explain our position on taxable fixed income (bonds) in IRAs. Traditional planning advice recommends placing your highest growth assets in an IRA to maximize the tax deferral. We usually recommend the complete opposite approach, which becomes more and more preferable the higher the income of the…

roth conversion

Roth Conversions

Roth conversions remain one of the most underutilized tax planning strategies around. Imagine the limited benefits of continued tax deferral for a 90-year-old retiree with a $500,000 IRA and an income of $100,000 a year. That income is comprised of pension distributions, IRA required minimum distributions (RMD), and some dividend income. Let’s say she has…

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