rising rates

Rising Rates

The poor economic policy of the past is coming home to roost in the form of rising rates and spiraling inflation. To make matters worse, policy leaders spent months gaslighting us all, denying inflation’s presence when the signs were in plain sight. This lag in taking action has surely exacerbated the situation because it’s best…

market moves

Extreme Market Moves

At the extremes of market moves, whether up or down, prognostications of the future begin in rapid-fire succession from soothsayers. When downside prevails, the predictions get increasingly dire. But this makes for huge missteps when an unforeseen event feeds a violent upside reversal. Just such a reversal happened earlier this week, with the market jumping…

The Great Inflation Debate
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The Great Inflation Debate

Signs of inflation abound with chip shortages, car shortages, and sky-high lumber prices, among others. Many forecasters are predicting 70s style inflation or even stagflation.  Given the similarities in Jimmy Carter’s and Mr. Biden’s policies, it’s a valid concern.  Yet, I feel there are extenuating circumstances this time that give me hope that we can…

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